
Safe Talk! Episode 3 - Code Switching.

Yeah, I think we picked a very interesting subject. Our aim for this show is just to , have a safe place to talk about some topics that are a little bit more sensitive.

In nature and controversial even, and very opinionated even, and just have a place, a safe place to listen and to, talk about these things and what we're talking about today is code switching. And for those of you who don't know what code switching is, it's the practice of alternating between different languages, dialects,

registers within a conversation or, social context if you get the meaning, right? You one way at home and you one way at work, right? It's kind of the gist of it. Yeah.


Safe Talk! Episode 2 - Having a CPP Vs. Not Having the CPP.


Safe Talk! - Episode 4 - Vocab at work